Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Voyages of the Artemis: THIS WEEK'S EVENTS!!#c4982294348862492043

Voyages of the Artemis: THIS WEEK'S EVENTS!!#c4982294348862492043


  1. Just finished Exile. Definite upgrade from Scrooge McDuck comics. Very enjoyable graphic novel. Was Fanny Hill really your most memorable high school era book? Erica Jong's version "Fanny-being the true history of the adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones" is a modern (1980) retelling that's more fun than the original.

  2. Just finished Exile. Definite upgrade from Scrooge McDuck comics. Very enjoyable graphic novel. Looking forward to Lord John and the Zombies. Was Fanny Hill really your most memorable high school era book? Erica Jong's version "Fanny-being the true history of the adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones" is a modern (1980) retelling that's more fun than the original.
